What is Personality ?

What is Personality  ? 

Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interest with others or personality is generally define as the deeply ingrained and relatively anduring patterns aap hot feeling and behaviour in fact when one reversible personality it generally implies to all what is unique about an individual the characteristics that makes one stand out in a crowd personality is the sum total of individuals psychological traits , characteristics, Motives, habits, attitude, benefits and outlooks.

What is Personality ?

How to Develop Your Personality :

The five fold method to attend heightened perfection and purity are.

  • Self effort.
  • Self control.
  • Self Reliance.
  • Self sacrifice.
  • Self knowledge.
  • Self effort : you need to work systematically and sincerely to achieve better standards following efforts will help to improve yourself. 
1. 2-3 kms run in the morning at young age walking me not be appropriate.
2. Learn and play outdoor games in the evening.
3. Undertake trekking and other adventure activities during holidays/ vacations.
4. Improve your communication skill.
5. Read National newspapers and keep yourself update. 
6. Read books magazines etc and improve your general knowledge and awareness.
  • Self control : this can be learnt by consertration and meditation sincere prayers for 5-10 minutes in the morning and meditation of about 15 minutes will help. 
  • Self Reliance : this means have faith and confidence in you positive thinking positive talking and positive doing can achieve this. 
  • Self sacrifice : this game achieve by having compassion aur Aadarsh and helping others even that the cost of your time comforts and may be money.
  • Self knowledge : know o yourself your strong points and areas which need improvement in your personality reading good literature one self examination  biographies/  autobiographies great personalities will help the vedantic concept of personality development is based on the concept of perfection of each sole and self confidence for realisation and expression of inner knowledge.

There are some other simple methods by which you can develop your personality :

1.  Be interested in people.
2. Assume that people like your.
3. Admit your weaknesses.
4. Admire your friends.
5. Associate that people who are successful and happy.
6. Attend social gatherings.
7. Change your environment.
8. Learn new things.

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