What is Chat ?
On the internet, chatting is talking to other people how are using the internet at the same time you are. Usually, this talking is the exchange of typed-in messages repairing one side us in the respository for the message (or"chat site") and group of users how take part from anywhere on the internet. In sim cases, aap private chat can be arranged between two parties who meet initially in a group chat.
Chat means real time communication between two or more people via computers.
Once up chat has been initiated, either user can enter text by typing on the keyboard ( this means you need to be a well to type reasonably quickly).
After pressing 'Enter' the text will appear on the other users monitor. Same website have a chat room attached and many Learning management systems include chat as a learning tool.
The manforce of online chat aur internet relay chat IRC, web page chat and incent messenger chat. IRC is the most widely used form of online chat : it use special software, it on Commands and han separate part of the internet from the web. IRC allowance manager on different systems at different locations to converge into one chat room and have a discussion, Shimla to conference call.