Showing Your Online Status:
Just as you see a contacts status on your messenger list, other see your status on there messenger list s. After singing into Yahoo Messenger, you're online, but you may not always be available for communication. You might be away form your desk or on the phone. Let your contacts know your availability by setting or online status to indicate your current accessibility.
This task so you how to :
- Select a system define status setting.
- Write your own status setting.
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Here's How : To select a system defined status setting :
- In your messenger, display the status menu in one of the following ways :
- Click your name in the status area.
- Right click the icon to the left of the status bar.
- Select my status from the messenger menu.
2. Select a status from the menu.
[Tip : To appear ofline to all of your contacts, select invisible to Everyone.]
Your New status displays next to your name in the status area.