Computer Networking

Network is the process of connecting to or more compliers with each other so that the system can share their information and system resources networking is one of the most common and widely used features now a days with the expansion of computers the information is shared through computers which can be placed for apart the process by which two or more computers communicate is called as networking the networking can be defined as two or more computers that are connected by medium and that can share they are resources and information with each other.

Computer Networking

There Are Different Types of Computer Networking :

1. LAN - local area network 

2. WAN - wide area network

3. MAN - metro politan area network 

Need for Computer Networking :

(1) by using computer networking be can share information easily quickly and accurately .

(2) the operational cost of maintaining record is reduced.

(3) the printers and other devices can be shared .

(4) the computer network can communicate information and message do file and data transfer.

(5) the computer networks provide a makeup of the data in a network.

(6) the computer network provide flexibility to work on different system that are part of the network and do the work.

(7) the computer network is saved on the server which makes the data less error prone.

(8) the computer nodes can be obless powerful than the server but can operate as smoothly as server.

(9) the computer network provides they to share the resources of the network such as printer with many computer on the network the resources hearing is a important ingredient in networking.

(10) the mirror image of the data can be used which prevent the data from unauthorised axis and modification.

Types of Networking Are : 

LAN ( Definition ) - 

A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated device that share a common communications with wires or wireless link typically connected devices share the resources of a single processor aur sarvar with in a small geography area ( for example, with in an office building) usually the server has applications and data storage that are shared in common by multiple computer users are local area network make serve a few age two or three users ( for example, in a home network) aur as many as thousands of users .

(1) Local Area Networking (LAN) : 

  • The full form of LAN is local area network.
  • Tha LAN is used for smaller networks.
  • Tha LAN can cover the area less than 10 km .
  • The minimum number of computers connected to a LAN 2 and maximum number of computer depend upon requirement.
  • The speed of data transfer is 10 MBPS ( mega bytes per seconds ) 
  • The connecting medium is generally through wires.
  • The topology used in this network in Star and bus topology.
  • LAN can publicly or privately owned.
  • It is general used by small Offices.

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